Global Trademark

Welcome to Global Tm Office

Get Your Trademark Registered Fast And Worry-Free

At Global Tm Office, our expert attorneys assist you trademark business name, logo, & slogan in USA @$49. File your trademark today chat now.

What are you trying to trademark? *

Trademark your Logo, Brand Name or Tagline today!

What are you trying to trademark? *

    What are you trying to trademark?

    Global Tm Office Protection for Your Brand - Trust Global Tm Office

    Global Tm Office is a reliable and professional service provider that offers comprehensive trademark registration services to entrepreneurs and businesses. We understand that your brand is your most valuable asset, and protecting it is crucial to your business’s success. That’s why our team of experienced trademark attorneys and experts is committed to delivering streamlined, hassle-free trademark registration services that provide you with peace of mind and legal protection. Whether you’re a startup, small business, or a large corporation, we offer a range of trademark registration packages to suit your needs and budget. With Global Trademark Office, you can be confident that your brand is fully protected, legally sound, and ready for growth.

    Extensive Legal Experience

    With over 05 years experience combined, we are one of the leading names in trademark protection and experts in our field.

    Backed By Technology

    Backed by a revolutionary digital platform and global tech savvy team. Global Trademark Office is powered by a digital community of IP owners.

    Protected Ample Trademarks

    Experienced attorneys who have successfully protected trademarks in various jurisdictions including the US, UK, EU, and globally.

    Empowering Your Brand's Essence Through Trademarks

    Enter the realm of trademarks – where brand uniqueness shines. Our experts secure your exclusive rights, elevating your identity.

    Register your trademark in
    3 simple steps

    Our trademark registration process is designed to provide our clients with an efficient and effective means of protecting their intellectual property rights. At Global Trademark Office, we provide assistance with the preparation and filing of the trademark application, and we offer ongoing monitoring services to ensure continued protection of the registered trademark. Our commitment to adherence to legal regulations and industry best practices ensures that our clients receive the highest level of service.

    Submit Your Trademark Information

    Submit your trademark information to us by answering few questions to initiate your trademark registration at USPTO.

    Service Selection & Payment

    After submitting relevant information, please select the appropriate service and complete your payment to proceed.

    Application Filing with USPTO

    After a thorough search on multiple databases to avoid possible infringement, we then file your trademark at USPTO.

    Our Service Packages


    + USPTO filing fee

    $ 49
    • Case Review
    • Case Filing
    • Trademark Alert
    • Trademark Secured
    • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee


    + USPTO filing fee

    $ 149
    • Case Review
    • Case Preparation
    • Case Filing
    • Trademark Alert
    • Direct Hit Search
    • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
    • Refusal Risk Meter


    + USPTO filing fee

    $ 199
    • Case Review
    • Case Preparation
    • Case Filing
    • Trademark Alert
    • Trademark Secured
    • Direct Hit Search
    • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
    • Refusal Risk Meter
    • Trademark Monitoring
    • Complete Documentation
    • Digital File
    • Dedicated Case Manager


    Trade Statement of Use

    A Trademark Statement of Use is obligatory for any trademark registered by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. We present an easy and efficient way of having our SOU approved.

    File Statement of Use Extension

    A Trademark Statement of Use Extension can accommodate you the moment you require to cover all necessities. You can record for various Statement of Use extensions; you will get the process by us.

    Trademark Renewal

    Has your trademark gone out of date or is about to? Validation of a registered trademark is for 10 years. To extend the time- period, it is required to file a trademark recommencement application. We are right here to take care of this process.

    Office Action Response

    USPTO Examiners send Office Actions by email or mail. The letter will tell you whether the USPTO Trademark Register revealed any competing trademarks, if substantive grounds may hinder your registration, or if there are any procedural requirements. We will thoroughly address the Examiner's concerns in your response.

    Let Your Brand Grow!

    Get Your Trademark Registered In $49



    We drive the mission to provide start-up businessmen and entrepreneurs, quick, and cost-effective way to safeguard their brand. Our team understands that running and maintaining a successful business is a crucial duty. You don’t need to worry about these hardships while taking our services, because we keep struggling in protecting and securing your name and make the process as dynamic, productive, and reasonable as possible. To ease the process of achieving a trademark for your business, we have a pack of every essential thing you require for protecting your name, brand slogan, or logo.

    Attorney Awards

    3 Million + Business

    Satisfied with Our
    Trademark Service

    3 Million + Business

    Registered USPTO Trademark
    Through Us

    24/7 Customer Care

    Assist You in All Trademark
    Related Queries


    Jennifer Kelly

    I hired Global Trademark Office multiple times for trademark registration of my brands. I must say, the service quality and communication deserve appreciation. Always quick to respond and take care of the complete process from start till the end at an amazing price.

    Linda Henry

    I called them for their free consultation and I totally admire their honest and genuine feedback on my trademark related issues. They are very knowledgeable, courteous and seemed extremely professional. I will be using Global Trademark Office in the future. Thanks again!

    Edward Clark

    Global Trademark Office has experienced professionals under their belt and I recommend their services. They are fast, reliable, and make everything effortless with their professionalism.

    FAQS Do You Have Any Questions?

    The formation of a LLC is cheaper and easier because its formed by smaller companies. All Limited Liability Companies are not liable for any business loss.
    • S corporations do not have to pay corporate Tax.
    • S corporations protect the personal assets of its shareholders.
    • S corporation does not pay federal taxes at the corporate level.
    Yes, a shareholder can freely sell his shares and the buyer will become the owner with both management and economic rights.
    A Non-Profit Corporation unlike S-corporations, C-corporations and LLCs are not made for profit making. They exist to pay salaries to their employees and help their beneficiaries.
    Protecting Ideas, Empowering Innovators – Global Trademark Office, your global destination for comprehensive trademark services.
    Contact Information

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